Form & Funktion

Form and Funkton is yet another design editorial, a bloggology, the rantings of a designer on design as it relates to trends, usability, society, and inner space.

Monday, May 29, 2006

If Design Was Religion...

I stand on both sides of the fence when it comes to design. On one hand, I'd like to believe that design is like a religion, that all men are created equal and that each person can create something beautiful out of nothing. Thanks or no thanks to HGTV, this is now somewhat of a reality. Praise the Home Depot! Halleluyah for IKEA, the poor man's access to Scandinavian design! On the other hand, having seen a fair share of hideous makeovers and half-baked ideas, I'd have to admit that some things are better left to the professionals. A little knowledge is downright dangerous for some people. But I guess it doesn't matter anyway, because people always view their home improvement projects like their babies -- even if it's ugly, they still love it.

If design was a religion, nirvanna would be the balance of form and function. If design was a religion, the commandments would go something like this:

  1. Thou shalt balance usability and aesthetics
  2. Thou shalt bring natural light and nature into design
  3. Thou shalt edit knicknacks, tchotchkes, and clutter
  4. Thou shalt resist the manufactured life by purchasing matchy matchy furniture
  5. Thou shalt deconstruct all items into shape, color, and texture
  6. Thou shalt not forget about scale and negative space
  7. Thou shalt always strive for something unexpected
  8. Thou shalt not kill thy significant other during the design process
  9. Thou shalt have fun or else hire a professional
  10. 'To thine own self be true'


At 4:48 PM, Blogger Ha said...


Sorry, there just isn't a band-aid for ugly carpets. Don't put money in your landlord's pocket. Buy a cheap rug until you can get a place of your own.

Design Sensei

At 12:15 PM, Blogger Ha said...

Problem is, she can't pull up the carpet. I've seen her carpet. It's not pretty. Maybe she should buy a buddha head for contemplation.


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