Chronicles of a Not-So-Newbie Interior Designer: Master Bedroom Concept Rendering

One of the biggest challenges of interior design is to work with existing furniture and give it brand new look. The client owns this craftsman queen bed in honey oak. I've mixed it with other clean-lined pieces that are have the same amber wood tone, but not the same style to update the look. All picture frames in the room will be in similar wood tone. This rendering was done in pencil. Gave me a chance to practice perspective drawing with 2 vanishing points.
I like the sketch. What is that hanging between the 2 paintings?
A wall sconce. I wanted to move the eye around the room at night. Adding a sconce there adds a burst of light and break up the redundancy of rectangles on that wall.
I like the sketch too. I'm definitely no expert in feng shui, but I heard it was a no-no to have the head (as in headboard) next to a window. If I'm wrong, I'm going home and rearranging my boudoir.
There are many feng shui rules about bed placement. My aunt says that the compass direction of the bed is more important than the whether it's under a window. There's also a feng shui rule that says if there are other windows in the room, then the energy will be balanced. For this room, it's either this position, or to place it in between the two windows on the side, which would put the entrance to the restroom at the foot of the bed, which is the death position in feng shui. My client has a large TV and the only place I can put it is at the opposite end of the bed, feng shui or no feng shui.
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