“The details are not the details. They make the design.” -- Charles Eames
Friday, June 16, 2006
Chronicles of a Not-So-Newbie Interior Designer: Furniture and Accessories

Ice Panel
Hunter Zoe Ceiling Fan
Metro Sectional in chocolate brown ultra-suede
Opium Table in black
Ming Side Table
Renzo Chair in brown
Drum Stool or Vessel Stool

Chronicles of a Not-So-Newbie Interior Designer: Concept and Design
Initially, I had no real idea of what I was going to do. The only thought I had was, "No typical Asian red and no ornately carved Chinese furniture."
- Went to Home Depot and picked out 20 swatches of paint. Loved the green and that's when I had a "Eureka" moment. Bamboo! It's the coolness of that color and the linear qualities of the bamboo are what I'm after.
- Did tons of research on furniture every free moment I'm not working on my real job.
- Completed the floorplan. Figured out how to create it to scale on Photoshop.
- Went to the fabric store and found swatches that matches my palette. Everyone was "ooh-ing" and "ah-ing" over my palette of fabric.
- By Tuesday, the room is completely designed in my head, down to the accessories, but I still had to do a concept sketch and I haven't done a perspective drawing in years. My meeting with the client is on Weds. Yikes!