Form & Funktion

Form and Funkton is yet another design editorial, a bloggology, the rantings of a designer on design as it relates to trends, usability, society, and inner space.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Cowhide: Passing Fad or Here to Stay

Maybe I'm wrong but to me cowhide is not the same as leopard skin or tiger skin. Those latter skins are so over the top, so Vegas. They're like highly paid prostitutes of design. Cowhide is simpler and cleaner in aesthetics. Maybe cowhide just has better marketing. Who knows?!

I've been looking at this chair for about 6 months. In terms of comfort, although it is not your plush cushioned recliner, it is a lot more comfortable than it looks. The back pivots so you can recline a bit.

I like the cowhide covering, because without it, the chair seems a bit cold. This chair normally comes in a black leather, and black leather always says bachelor pad to me. Also, the cowhide is an unexpected use of the material, which is what I always like to do. I want to put items that don't usually go together and make them work just by the merit of scale, color, and texture.

Right now, I'm diggin' it.

Blue is definitely in.

Imagine this with a glass table on top. You'll get an icy blue, sea glass feeling.

Love the graphical look of this Sleepy Hollow Rug from CB2. Love it even more when the price is good. Only $299 for a 5x8. ...

Gorges Stool

I purchased this stool from ModAbode last December. It is bigger than it looks and the curved inset for the seating area is quite comfortable. Love it for its clean lines and modern aesthetics, although my place is not all modern.

At $119.99, it is a good value. ModAbode delivered it on time and in good condition.